Sep 9, 2013

update on my journey to a more organized life

A while back I wrote here about needing a way to organize my though so that at night when I am trying to sleep I could get there faster. I thought maybe if I could get all my ideas down on paper with some problem salving pushed in there maybe my sleepless nights would be a thing of the past. Well I am here to say that was a complete failure.
I must also say that I still don’t know if it would work if I gave it a shot but I could not get into it, oh and you should have heard some of my excuses. First I had to go out and buy a cute new notebook (because we all know there is no form of paper in my house) to put my thoughts in well that never got done, I never thought about it when I went to the store. (I know I should have wrote it down lol)
Every night I would put the kids in the bed and think now lets do it and then I would think nah I want to just forget about worrying for a few hours and watch TV thinking I would do it latter. Well later never got here and before I knew what happened it was midnight and I had to get into bed.
But I have been doing one thing to try and help myself and that is get into a routine during the day in the hope that if I feel like I am getting things done during the day then there will be less things to worry about at night. I have also been making myself get up a little earlier in the mornings but it has been super hard to beat the kids up.
Anyway, even though what I tried this time was a big bust, I will keep trying and maybe next time it will stick. 

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